Chapter One :Chapter 1

On Thursday afternoon after work, Gloria placed a call to her boyfriend, Duke Williams. The call went unanswered despite her many attempts. Could he possibly be asleep at such an hour? Even if he was asleep, his beeping ringtone would have awakened him. “ This is so unusual of him.” she thought it herself as she stepped out to pick a taxi to his apartment. Upon reaching the building, she took an elevator to the 12th floor where his apartment is situated. She noticed the door was left ajar. She gently stepped into the room and was about to call out to Williams, when she was interrupted by some strange noises coming from the bedroom.

“Mmm, Williams..” her heart did a flip-flop. What's up with the voice she just heard? The voice sounded so familiar. Her heart pounded heavily in her chest, as the awkward sound intensified. Her instinct has never been wrong and she can bet on her life that, the voice she heard was none other than her step-sister's. Embracing herself for the worst, she carefully took a step towards the bedroom door and peeked through the half-closed door. An unappealing scene met her eyes. Something she wouldn't even wish upon her worst enemy. “ Brooks are so beautiful, little baby.”William's voice could be heard clearly.

“Where exactly on my body, do you find attractive?” Tasha asked with a flirty voice. A movement was heard, followed by a soft gasp.

“I find everything about you so beautiful. These two innocent eyes that always draw me close, this succulent lips, these two little doves standing firmly on your chest, always drives me nuts. But above all, I find pleasure in you little chamber.” he added with a naught smirk.

“Duk, you are such a tease.” Tasha replied as she pulled him down onto her, devouring his lips with hot passionate kisses. She spread her legs wide enough to accommodate him. They devour each other like hungry lions, with each of them lost in the heat of the moment. Gloria could see the tension building up in her. Is she really seeing right or her mind is playing tricks on her? She was brought back to reality when Tasha asked “Between me and my sister, who do you find beautiful?”

“Brooks of course darling. Who is Gloria compared to you? When it comes to beauty, you own it all.” he answered quickly without waiting. A gentle smile broke out on her face as she murmured something into his ears and they giggled. He continued to stroke in and out of her with a speed as lightning. Tasha’s screams and moans could be heard across the whole room. Gloria could feel her heart boiling. Her fist clenched in anger and her body shook fervently.

“Brooks bloody ingrates!” she burst out. They flinched out of bed and turned toward the doorway but acted unbothered as soon as their gaze fell on Gloria.

She could see the contentment on Tasha’s face. “Well, since you are already here, I'd like to make things clear. I've been seeing Williams for some time now and he has already made me his woman and there is nothing you can do about it,” she said and burst into laughter. Gloria slowly tilted her towards Williams. As if waiting for him to debunk what Tasha said no, she was wrong. He turned to her with eyes void of emotions. I'm sorry you had to learn about us the hard way. The person I've always loved is Tasha. She is the one I'd like to marry. Don't worry about our engagement, I'll call it off tomorrow”. He said to her, avoiding contact with her. She felt like her entire life had come to a halt. This was the man, she had loved for six good years. Six sold wasted years. Is her boyfriend being snatched by her own sister? She can't believe it. Tasha has been very competitive toward her since their early days but she never for once thought, she could be this evil! “I think, you are right. Let's break up. I won't disturb you guys anymore.” she finally managed to say as she dragged her unwilling feet out of the room. She won't let out a tear in front of them. They don't deserve her tears. She refused to look vulnerable in their sight. As she walked out of the room, with each step feeling like a slice in her throat, get phone rang loudly. She reaches out for it and picks up the caller. It was her colleague at work. “Hi, Gloria there is trouble. The design content you submitted was accused of plagiarism. Your information has been sent to the company's legal department!”

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